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Susan Hudson MD

Stress and Fertility

Stress and fertility: Can lowering my stress level help me get pregnant?

Our New Braunfels fertility specialist explains the connection between stress and fertility.

Medical science has not yet proven a direct causal link between stress and fertility, but there is no doubt that the two are connected. While there can be many causes of infertility in both men and women, it’s clear that stress negatively affects the overall health of a woman trying to become pregnant. At the same time, infertility certainly causes stress, creating a perpetuating cycle. Our New Braunfels fertility specialist says that this cycle needs to be interrupted for the best physical, mental and emotional health of a woman trying to become pregnant.

The stress and fertility cycle may contribute to causes of infertility

The process of trying to become pregnant without success increases stress levels, so that by the time a woman begins fertility treatment, her stress level is already raised.

Fertility problems can be challenging to navigate, with stressful decisions such as how long to try to become pregnant, when to pursue infertility treatment, or whether to take a break from trying. Women experiencing infertility report higher levels of stress than other women. Research also shows that couples who indicate lower stress rates become pregnant at a higher rate than couples who indicate anxiousness.

Our New Braunfels fertility specialist, Susan Hudson, MD, notes a few of the ways stress can become one of the causes of infertility.

  • Stress can elevate the heart rate and increase blood pressure.
  • It can interfere with sleep, which over time can cause irregular periods.
  • Lack of sleep caused by stress decreases the ability to cope with stressors, adding to the problem.
  • Stress causes hormones to be released that can affect ovulation and your menstrual cycle.
  • Eating is a common stress response. People either increase the amount of food, turn to unhealthy “comfort foods,” or both. Resulting weight gain can reduce fertility, as overweight women have lower pregnancy rates.
  • Other unhealthy stress coping techniques, including drinking alcohol, smoking and taking in high amounts of caffeine, negatively impact fertility.

If you struggle with stress or anxiety, address it before trying to become pregnant

There are many proven stress-relieving techniques. Explore the different methods, and find the ones that provide the most benefit. Our New Braunfels fertility specialist has several recommendations for reducing stress before pregnancy.

  • Exercise
  • Healthy diet
  • Quality sleep
  • Counseling
  • Support groups
  • Yoga, meditation or other mindfulness practices
  • Journaling

Managing stress during the fertility journey

Once you begin fertility treatment, continue the healthy coping strategies you used before the process. Allow yourself to feel the changing, complex emotions you’re experiencing. Process your feelings with your partner, family, friends, support group or therapist.

In addition to the stress-relieving tools listed, your doctor may recommend medication to help manage stress. Medication can help you get to a more stable and calm emotional and mental state, allowing the other stress-relieving techniques to be more effective.

Our New Braunfels fertility specialist, Dr. Hudson, and her team will help you prepare for pregnancy physically, mentally and emotionally. Contact us for to learn more about stress and other causes of infertility, and to schedule an appointment with Dr. Hudson.